
From Drab Cambridge To Lovely Cancun

Since hookups have become a much sought-afterobjective of the college spring break, the issue,by necessity, must be addressed.

Don't expect to find your future spouse inCozumel.

Well, unless you enjoy being followed by pudgyhotel workers named Marco Antonio (we endearinglycalled him Tostada Face) who periodically proposemarriage. We graciously declined to disclose ouraddresses in the U.S.

Or, you can take the outdoors option. Take astroll into town and you will encounter bands offriendly locals who will proudly exhibit theirwhistling abilities.

Of course, there was always the famed Carlos 'nCharlie's, frequented by cruise-ship touristsstopping over for the day. It was a meat-market ofa bar with probably the highest hookup rate in allof Central America.


Defying the societal convention which confinedwomen to skirt-wearing exhibitions, we upheld ourfeminist values and refused to enter the place.

Actually, the noise and the strange lightsemitting from the stairwell scared us.


Upon returning to Cambridge, I suffered a weekof severe Cozumel withdrawal. I missed the beach,the food and the sun. I even missed Marco Antonio.

I found sand in my Corporate Finance book, notexactly the strongest stimulus to do my problemset.

Many mornings thereafter I pretended to wake upto the sound of the waves outside of my window.Instead, I was mostly woken up by constructiontrucks and ambulance sirens.

Cozumel's serenity seemed like a dream, a dreamI wished would never end
