
Students Rally Against 'Contract With America'

Protest Part of Boston-Wide Effort; Endorsed by Union of Student Groups

Rather than supporting the Contract withAmerica, Ogletree said, "We want a contract withfair wages, health care and free education forall."

Between speeches, the protesters invited theaudience to participate in the rally, chanting,"Democracy is not a spectator sport."

Protesters mingled with the crowd, encouragingthem to hold placards and join them on the Widenersteps. Several students obliged, and the number ofprotesters increased as the rally continued.

Protesters' signs bore slogans such as "Acontract we never signed is a contract on America"and "Don't balance the budget on the backs ofstudents."

Compared to "the usual, fairly apatheticHarvard standards, the turnout was very solid,which speaks well of its organization and thebroad power of the issue," according to JedediahS. Purdy '97, a spectator at the event.


Organizers said they were very happy with theresults of the rally.

"Now is crunch time," said Adam D. Hefty '96, aDSA member and rally organizer.

"Things are beginning to turn our way," Heftyadded. "The House Republicans passed the firstbudget bill by a very narrow margin, and it's notgoing to override Clinton's veto."

Cheng was encouraged by the success ofyesterday's rally. She said she expected toorganize more multicultural events this spring,starting with a forum after spring break on howthe Contract will affect students of color.

"We realize we have a lot in common," she said."The problems we're facing are similar.
