
Freshman Tseng: A Lot of Tennis Ahead

Second Singles Starter Philip Tseng Has Immediate Impact on Men's Tennis Team

While Tseng is only a freshman, he tries to contribute to the team off the court as well.

"I believe with all of my experience I have a lot to offer the team," Tseng says. "But I am only a freshman so there is a limit to my contribution."

Furthermore, Tseng's contribution to the Crimson has been welcomed.

Coach Dave Fish speaks highly of the Tseng's play, while also praising his style.

"He has an upbeat, refreshing, new style," Fish says, "And he really is a happy, go-lucky guy."


Fish also enjoys the enthusiasm that Tseng brings to the team meetings.

On the court, Fish considers a low center of gravity one of Tseng's strongest attributes. The low center of gravity allows Tseng to move well on the court and chase down a lot of balls.

While Tseng agrees in a general sense, he thinks that his strongest specific attributes are his aggressiveness and speed.

Despite all of his strong points, Tseng constantly tries to improve. Although Tseng considers himself an all-court player--meaning that he can play both at the net and at the baseline--he is currently trying to work on his net game. He feels that this will especially help him in doubles play.

Tseng is still trying to decide whether to pursue tennis beyond Harvard.

"I'm not thinking that far ahead right now," Tseng says. "However, I do want to leave my future options open."

Tseng's focus on the present suits his team just fine. With his talent, motivation and spirit, he should be able to help ensure a few very good years ahead for the tennis team.
