Working in Progress with Russ Gershon.Gershon, 1994-95 Jazz Artist in Residence, willperform at an open rehearsal with Either/Orchestraand the Harvard Jazz Band. Sanders Theatre, 6 p.m.Free.
Poetry and prose
A Reading by Poetry Editors. LiamRector, poetry editor, Harvard Magazine;Erin Belieu, managing editor, Agni and FredMarchant, poetry editor, Harvard Review.Yenching Library, 7:30 p.m.
Interregional and International Trade: WoodyAllen Was Right! David Weinstein and DonaldDais. Room M-15, Littauer Center, 7 p.m.7 March Tuesday
The Experience of Lesbians, Gay Men andBisexuals in the U.S. William Rubenstein,lecturer in law, Harvard School of Public Healthand Yale University Law School, and formerdirector, American Civil Liberties Union Lesbianand Gay Rights Project. Room 213, Kresge Building,HSPH, 12:30 p.m.
A Presentation and Discussion with KatieKoestner. Koestner, date rape victim andnational awareness advocate, will discuss her ownexperience as well as ways to increase awarenessat Harvard-Radcliffe. Lyman Common Room, 7:30 p.m.
A Tsar is Born. Please see Thursday'slisting for more information. Hasty PuddingTheater, 12 Holyoke St., 8 p.m. $23.8 March Wednesday
Poetry and prose
An Evening of Reading and Discussion withFlorence Levinsohn. Author ofBelgrade--Among the Sects. Common Room,Dudley House, 7 p.m.