But well-placed sources say that when theUniversity approached Loker about the donationseveral years ago it specifically focused on theneed for an undergraduate center and theimprovement that her donation could make forundergraduate life.
Berry agrees that that was the first prioritywhen the commons were conceived.
"The first priority will be undergraduates, itis designed to enhance undergraduate life," hesays. "But, I can tell you practically thatoutsiders are not going to be banned."
Jewett adds that it would be wasteful to barmembers of the community and University if thecommons is empty during the day.
He says that any changes in policy can bereadily accomplished if the administration sees aneed after the commons opens.
But Coffey, who is co-chair of the council'scampus life committee, says reevaluation after thefact is not good enough.
"We want it to be closed and maybe then open itto the community," Coffey says. "Not vice versa."
He thinks there are a variety of ways that theadministration could limit the access, and heproposes the possible addition of turnstiles whereundergraduates could bring in one guest.
Manisha Bharti '98, another member of the Lokerplanning committee, expresses her battle cry evenmore strongly.
"I think we need to dare the administration to,for once, do something with undergraduates at thetop of their list," Bharti says.
The administrators say that they are keepingthe commons open to the community because theythink faculty, administrators and graduatestudents have a right to enjoy the facilities asmuch as do undergraduates.
But council members charge that theadministration is thinking of a differentgoal--profit.
"I think there was a definite thrust towardmaking a profit," Bharti says of a recent meetingthe committee had with administrators.
What to do?
Students also expressed concern that Loker willnot really serve as a student center becausepresently there are no plans for television,music, couches or games.
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Mellow but Righteous