
Film Archive Chief Retiring After 23 Years

Founder Petric Says He Needs Break From Years of Thirteen-Hour Work Days

At the urging of Dean of Continuing Educationand University Extension School Michael Shinagel,Petric will continue to teach his summer schoolcourse titled "Masterpieces of the World'sCinema."

After the summer course is over, Petric willspend his time in New York and Paris finishingthree books about cinematic history.

Petric will give a "closing presentation"tonight after the screening of three of his filmsat the Archive.

Petric's successor will be announced after thecompletion of a search which Mopp said is being"taken very seriously."

"[Petric] is like a founding member, he createdthe archive and it is a very difficult position tobe filled," Mopp said.


Petric agrees that his post is a challengingone. His advice to his successor, he said, is to"install immediately a sleeping couch in his orher office."PhotoJack Lueders-BoothVLADA K. PETRIC
