But the Undergraduate Council sources saidyesterday that the girl's complaint will not besettled in the confines of Jewett's office butrather will be investigated by the Ad Board.
When asked about the Ad Board case, Hrniceksaid that Jewett had asked him and members of theCOCL, not to talk about the matter.
If HCIA still wants to be recognized by theCollege, it must reapply to the COCL, according toJewett.
Although Hrnicek has said he can easily findmore members, he has said that some prospectiveand current members are not interested in meetingwith Jewett.
"Many of the Students who wanted to participatein the Bible study are in no way interested ingoing into the Dean's office," Hrnicek said lastweek.
Hrnicek said, however, that he remainsoptimistic.
"I think it's totally possible to getrecognition this semester," Hrnicek saidyesterday. "It could be up in front of [the COCL]in another couple weeks."
One of the Undergraduate Council sources,however, said that recognition this semester isnot feasible.
"It's really late in the semester already," thesource said. "It would require finding anotherfaculty advisor as well as resolving the casethat's going to the Ad Board, and I just don't seethat happening this semester."
Last week, however, Hrnicek said thatultimately, recognition was not his primary goal.
"The issue for me wasn't to much getting thegroup recognized as simply taking a stand andsaying, 'This is something worth taking note of,'"he said