
Students Establish Black Intellectual Journal

Both Diallo and Hodgdon said they hope thenature of their articles will appeal to the entirestudent body, not just the Black community.

"Our attempt is to make this the most readablemagazine on campus," Diallo said. "We want topresent a magazine that appeals to people of allraces. Hopefully, then they'll understand thecomplexity of race."

Diallo emphasized that the magazine will notfocus solely on traditional race issues.

"Sure, we'll talk about issues like affirmativeaction, but we want to look at other issues thatyou wouldn't normally think of," Diallo said. "Forexample, we'll look at how the Republicantake-over of Congress will affect Blacks."

According to Diallo and Hodgdon, there areapproximately 20 students on the magazine's staff,which relies primarily on word of mouth to recruitnew members.


"Most of the people have worked for otherpublications," Hodgdon said. "There are nonovices."

Diallo said articles will be carefully selectedfor publication.

"We're literally going to take the best four orfive essay," Diallo said. "We'll edit themintensely. We know that everything we do will beput under a microscope.
