
Students Confront Clinical Despair

. Inability to concentrate, remember things ormake decisions

. Fatigue or loss of energy.

. Restlessness or decreased activity noticed byothers.

. Thoughts of suicide or death.

The persistence of five or more of thesesymptoms over two weeks may indicate signs ofclinical depression.


Source: National Mental Health Association

Resources for Further Help

On CampusBureau of Study Council  5-2581Room 13  5-4969UHS Emergency Room (emergency psychiatriccare)  5-5711UHS Mental Health  5-2042

Off CampusDepression Support Group  855-2795National Alliance for the MentallyIII  1-800-950-NAMINational Mental HealthAssociation  1-800-969-NMHASamaritans Suicide Hotline  247-0220

Source: National Mental Health AssociationCrimsonEugene Y. Chang
