Spokespersons for the Republican members of theHouse Agriculture Committee--through which the PRAmust pass before going before Congress--said theact and welfare reform are still in preliminarystages.
"You're putting the cart before the horse,"said Pete Jeffries, spokesperson for Rep. BillEmerson (D-Mo.). "Right now we're holdinghearings; we want to hear the testimony from thevarious witnesses."
Jeffries emphasized "three buzzwords":consolidation, integration and automation.
"Collectively, they would lead to moreeffective and efficient use of tax dollars as wellas delivery of services," the aide said.
But Fred Berman, a planner for the humanservices department, disputed the cost of thefederal nutrition programs compared to the totalfederal budget.
"The entitlement programs are a drop in thebucket," Berman said. "You have priorities. Ifpriorities are to make sure that people don't gohungry, then that's something that you make sureyou fund."
Jeffries said the nutrition programs are partof a larger, inefficient welfare system.
"Bill Emerson has believed that the welfaresystem is known more as a maintenance system thatis not conducive to getting people up, off and outof the welfare track."
An aide to Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole(R-Kan.) said Dole had not yet signed on to theHouse proposal.
"The bottom line is that Sen. Dole is notbacking it at the moment," said the aide, whospoke on condition of anonymity. The aide said theinitiative was primarily a House effort.
Even if federal cuts to the nutrition programsoccur, the state could account for the shortfall,as Weld said.
The city may indeed have to rely on Beacon Hillif the PRA passes, but Wolf said she preferredfederal support to remain in place.
"When the federal government pulls back, we'renot in a position to supplant what they've takenaway," Wolf said. "The federal government has muchmore of a capacity to raise funds progressivelyand place money where it's needed.