
New Race Relations Handbook Distributed

Epps said though he doesn't favor requiring arace relations course, he believes one such courseshould be added to the offerings of the corecurriculum.

He added that the University should "makeprogress in offering a wider range of courses inethnic studies in the United state."

In the years since she taught the class onwhich the article is based, Waters said, theracial climate at the College has improved.

"Race relations are somewhat better than theyused to be," Waters said, attributing theimprovement to the "moral leadership" that Harvardhas shown over the past few years.

"I think the most important thing is that theUniversity has made it a priority," Waters said.


Leaders of several student ethnicorganizations, however, said they weren't evenaware that the new handbooks had been distributed.

The guide is currently available at some of theundergraduate dining halls and the Dean ofStudents office in University Hall
