Corporation members either did not return phonecalls or had no comment.
In May, 1990, after Carney's expulsion, theFaculty Council issued a statement "deploringdiscrimination by military services against gayand lesbian students." It recommended Harvardsever ties with the program in two years if thefederal government did not sufficiently resolvethe issues of discrimination.
In 1992 the Verba Committee also recommendedthat the University eliminate the ROTC option ifthe military's stance on gays did not change.
Last year, faculty members decided that themilitary's current policy of "don't ask, don'ttell" continues to violate Harvard'snon-discrimination policy.
In February 1994 Rudenstine began negotiatingwith MIT to allow students to participate withoutthe University paying MIT for their involvement.
Rudenstine wrote in his November report thatnegotiation with MIT were unsuccessful because MITcannot take any significant action on ROTC untilit convenes its own committee to review its statusin September 1996