
Eagles Soar Above Crimson Icemen

B.C. Wins Beanpot Rematch, 7-6

Har--Karmanos 5 (Halfnight, Lonsigner) 13:30.

Har--Martins 10 (Coughlin) 16:52.

Saves: B.C.--Taylor 6-15-6 27;Har--Tracy 6-3-8 17.

Power Play: B.C.--0 for 4; Har--2 for 8.

Attendance:14, 448


The first 15 minutes of the period were markedby sloppy play by both teams. B.C. could not firea shot on net until 14 minutes had passed in thestanza, while Tomassoni even occasionally usedfive forwards to kindle some scoring punch on thepower play.

Then the fireworks started.

A shorthanded goal by junior Kirk Nielsenbrought the score to 4-1, but a Eagle rebound only12 seconds later increased the lead to 5-1.

However, the ghosts of the Garden smiled on theCrimson for once last night, as Harvard wasblessed with a five-on-three opportunity withthree minutes left in the period.

The Crimson cashed in twice before the periodwas over, with goals from senior Cory Gustafsonand Coughlin to trim the deficit to 5-3.

Harvard peppered Taylor with 18 shots in theperiod, while the Eagles could only muster four onTracy.

But just what Harvard team would show up forthe third period?

As it turned out, the mistakes continued tomount, and they were too much for the Crimson toovercome. Another giveaway early in the stanzaledto a 6-3 Eagle lead, while a Steve Martinsslapshot from 10 feet out brought the game onceagain to a two-goal margin.

With under 10 minutes left in the contest,Eagle David Hymovitz's goal seemed to put the gameout of reach once again, this time at 7-4.

But just as Freddy Krueger from the grave, asRocky Balboa from the mat, Harvard did not gogently into that good night. With 6:30 left,junior Jason Karmanos clipped the lead once againto two.

Harvard still had one more punch in it. Martinsgarnered his second goal of the night with 3:08remaining. The senior took a pass from a divingCoughlin to pull the Crimson within strikingdistance, at 7-6.

But as the clock literally struck midnight,Harvard's silver carriage turned back into apumpkin, and the Crimson could not penetrateTaylor one final time. Even as the final secondsticked off, the Crimson was knocking on the door,but the dance was over.

"I think we played three solid periods but itwas just a matter of them scoring too many goals,"Martins said. "But we showed a lot of heart tocome back."

"We really thought we had this gamebut...unfortunately the bounces went the otherway," he said.CrimsonE. Houston WuBoston College goaltender GREG TAYLORrebuffs the Crimson at Boston Garden lastnight.
