At a council-sponsored debate among thepresidential candidates Wednesday night, Gregoireaccused Fine and former president David L.Hanselman '94-'95, of committing grossconstitutional violations as executives two yearsago.
Gregoire dropped out of the race a day later.
Label said that after expressing his doubtsover lunch on Tuesday, Gregoire related to him theaccusations that he would make the next night.
Liston admitted last night to having hadcontact with Gregoire between their lunch withLabel and Gregoire's withdrawal from the race, butclaimed to have had no prior knowledge ofGregoire's withdrawal.
"I don't know everything that went on inBrandon's mind throughout the course of lastweek," Liston said.
"He didn't mention [withdrawing form therace]," Liston said.
Reactions from current and former councilmembers ranged from disappointment to anger.
"It's so nice to see those so concerned aboutethics in their speeches be so concerned aboutethics in their actions," Fine said.
Council member N. Van Taylor '96-'95 said hesuspected that Liston and Gregoire were workingtogether.
"Brandon just [attacked Fine at the debate]time and time again," Taylor said. "It was clearto me that they were working together againstRandy."
"Unfortunately, it's part of the democraticprocess," Taylor added, "But it's a shameless wayof subverting the process."
Taylor also criticized Liston's work habitsfrom this past semester, including his expulsionfor excessive absences.
"I hope Liston works 100 times harder than hedid last semester," Taylor said. "That's the onlyway he's going to show up for every meeting."
Hanselman said Liston's actions call intoquestion his moral authority.
"The situation doesn't call into question thelegitimacy of Josh Liston's election per se, butit does bring into question his moral authority tolead the U.C.," Hanselman said.
But Fine said the alleged collusion called intoquestion the legitimacy of the newly electedcouncil.
"I think that if Brandon and Josh workedtogether in a conspiracy to ruin the reputation ofmyself and David Hanselman that would cast aserious doubt on the beginning of thisadministration," he said