"David Holland has literally saved HASCS's butsometimes, by logging in at three in the morningand fixing a problem," said Eugene E. Kim '96,former president of the Harvard Computer Society(HCS).
"He's a HASCS employee," Kim added. "The facthe is a student is not important."
Others interviewed were more critical of thestudent administrator post.
"I feel a little bit uncomfortable about otherstudents have root privileges," said HCS NetworkDirector Richard B. Osterberg '96.
Tarr said he holds the password because HASCShas only two Unix programmers and needs additionalhelp.
"Basically, I was doing so much stuff for themthat it was just easier for everyone if I had theroot password," Tarr said.
Steen pointed to former Unix Systems ManagerMike Burner's recent departure as an example ofHASCS's staffing problems. "It's a manpowerissue," he said.
But Tarr has held the password for at least ayear, according to system log files.
When asked whether Tarr would hold the rootpassword if HASCS had increased funds, Steen saidmore than money was at stake.
HASCS has several posts open--in Operations,Humanities Support and Networks--but has not foundsuitable candidates, Steen said.
"We're a good deal more selective than someother University departments," Steen said. "Wewant administrators who are serious andresponsible, who we can trust."
"Tarr is a part-time, skilled, responsible,HASCS employee," Steen said.
Steen said meanwhile, he is searching for anappropriate replacement for Burner and expects tohire an additional personnel in the near future