
Dean Proposes Probationary Term For Student Group

Organization Must Accept Guidelines

Bruce said yesterday he had asked Hopke toreconsider his request and that he is still on thestaff.

Hopke and Pidot also said that Managing EditorStephen Manley '97 resigned his position becausehe is taking Computer Science 161: OperatingSystems, a course with a very heavy workload.

Sammy Lai '97, former assistant businessmanager, also resigned his senior position at therequest of Harvard Student Agencies, where he hastaken a job.

The changes leave Business Manager ColinKennedy '97 with no business staff members.

Kennedy yesterday referred all questions onfinancial matters to Hopke.


But in an e-mail message to all staff memberslast Friday, Kennedy wrote, "Given the shape weare in now, it will be financially devastating ifwe do not generate revenue for this issue."

Pidot said The Salient's board has had "hillsand valleys" and that its organizationalstructures changes in response to the number ofpeople in each class who are involved.

Pidot said that The Salient had a "string ofabout three" business managers who had not "doneas much as maybe they should have," but he saidcompetitive ad market may be to blame as well.


Frisbie said that the organization had recentlymade two expensive mistakes which have exacerbatedthe money crunch.

Last semester, The Salient bought a digitalcamera and paid in part for Frisbie and Pidot totravel to a Washington, D.C. leadershipconference.

Pidot said that the trip had been done ascheaply as possible, going via New York to get areduced air fare and staying in a $59 a nighthotel room.

He also said the "net worth" of the trip wouldlikely be positive, citing connections made andwhat he had learned about fundraising.

The Salient plans to solicit donations fromits 600-some subscribers this March. In past yearsthis has raised about $2,000, Pidot said.

Frisbie said that, in retrospect, the trip wasa mistake.
