Among other suggestions, Epps recommended thatbusinesses establish clear procedures fordiscrimination complaints, provide training fortheir employees on intercultural and racerelations and avoid the use of race as grounds forsuspicion.
"I thought the audience was very perceptive,"Epps said. "I plan to call upon the largeretailers to continue the discussion. I want toensure that our students are treated fairly."
Tod Beaty, president of the HSBA, said heagreed on the need to continue the dialogue onrace.
"I hope we can use this initial seminar as ajumping off point for the future," Beaty saidyesterday.
According to Dunn, it is always possible toimprove in the arena of race relations.
"Everybody is more biased then they'll admit tobeing," said Dunn. "Everybody harbors irrationalbiases given to them from parents, neighbors andfriends."
"Everybody has work to do," he added.
On the panel yesterday were Epps, Margot P.Kosberg, executive director of the Cambridge HumanRights Commission, Olympia A. Brescia, director ofInternational Marketing at the Massachusetts ofOffice of Travel and Tourism, Kim Notemy, managerof Asian and Latin American Markets at BayBank,and Sandra Reyes, vice president of InternationalPersonal Banking at BayBank