A lone bagpiper played as mourners left thehour-long private service. Dozens wept openly andembraced in a freezing wind outside the church,which is located within sight of the ocean amidneat, three-decker houses.
Howell leaves a son, David.
Some of the same AT&T employees later wereamong more than 200 people who attended a privateservice for McCarthy at the McDonald Funeral Homein Weymouth. He leaves his wife, Sally, and threechildren.
Colleagues said McCarthy was quiet and easygoing. He was laid to rest in a sweater, and atelephone test handset he used in his work wasburied with him.
"He always had a book in his back pocket," JoeGill, an AT&T coworker who has since retired."When he wasn't working, he was reading."
Others said McCarthy was dedicated to his workas a technician.
"He could do more work in an hour, just byknowing his business, than another guy could doall day long," said Kurt Parker, a formersupervisor.
Perry and Mattaliano were the fourth and fifthstate police troopers killed in the last sixmonths.
Federal investigators are trying to determinewhy the helicopter went down. The man heading theprobe said it was focusing on the helicopter'sflight controls and had ruled out a lack of fuelas a possible cause