
Jewett Will Decide Fate of Bible Study

COCL Reaches Impasse on Christians in Action Proposal

"If what these people are doing is so bad thenwhy are they still [at Harvard]?" Fine asked. "Itseems like we don't have a problem with the group,but we have a problem with the religion," he said."Either [the University] should throw them out or[the harassment] is not that bad. You can't haveit both ways."

In an interview following the meeting, Hrniceksaid he strongly disagrees with Epps' accusations.

"I'm always angry when people makegeneralizations and stereotypes like Dean Epps didtoday, but it wasn't anything I hadn't heardbefore," Hrnicek said. "Epps is lumping everyonewho goes to my church into the category ofcriminal or ruffian or harasser."

Epps said the issue is not one of belief orteachings but that recognizing the group would bea "disservice" to the University.

"To approve an organization of individuals thatuse methods I described would be a greatdisservice," Epps said. "We have lots of historyof [the Church] going on campuses and having to bethrown off," he said. "It would be unwise for usto ignore that history."


In his argument against recognition, Eppsinvoked the greater welfare of the community.

"The larger question here is the welfare of thelarger religious community here, a community basedon trust," he said.

Faculty committee members questioned Hrnicek'sclaim that his group would be the "voice" of theChurch on campus. Hrnicek later explained that hemeant that the Bible study would be taught fromthe Boston Church of Christ's perspective.

Hrnicek said he is troubled by the stalemate."I'm disappointed that it's come down to be such asubjective issue," he said.

The COCL decision will likely be the final stepin Hrnicek's two-year struggle for recognition.Only the President and Fellows of Harvard Collegecould overturn Jewett's tiebreaking decision.

Even if Jewett decides against the group'spetition, Hrnicek said he will continue the battlefor University recognition.

"If I am rejected by the COCL as having aproblem with autonomy, then the process is just toresubmit an application and make some changes,"Hrnicek said. "I'm disappointed that theadministrators are bending the rules in this case,because my group met all the requirements.
