On Harvard animals:I am going to give you the name of an animal. You are going to have to tell me how this animal relates to Harvard.
Lion: There are no lions at Harvard.
Elephant: Republicans
Tiger: Sex
Goat: Sex
Ant: Harvard Faculty. there are so many of them.
Newt: World leader.
Did you see any newts?: No, but I saw a lot of lizards.
Zebra: We think of zebras as really cool animals, but in Africa they're everywhere, like dogs. At first, it's like, "Ooh! Cool! Zebra!," and everyone jumps out and runs five miles to take a picture. By the end you're saying, "Good, another zebra." Like squirrels here.
Offering insight into the wildlife of Harvard: Squirrels at home are not half as domestic as Harvard Square squirrels. People from other countries love to take pictures of them. [I want to say] "You're stopping traffic." I guess even the squirrels here are exceptional.