
EAC Mulls Boycott of Mitsubishi

Activists Blame Corporation for Rain Forest Destruction

Wechselblatt said he hopes the EAC will take an objective look at the issue.

"It bothers me that people at a university, who examine claims closely and analytically, would only allow one side of the story [to be presented]," he said. "People are acting in a non-analytical manner...I would hope for more from Harvard."

Grewal said the committee has foundMitsubishi's position "unconvincing."

"[I have] written Mitsubishi many times as acitizen and received a form letter response," hesaid.

Grewal said he is skeptical of Mitsubishi'sdenial of harming rain forests. "[Mitsubishi uses]the Food and Agriculture Organization's definitionof deforesting, which is the removal of all treesin an area," he said.

Both Grewal and Hamilton said the possibleHarvard boycott would set a precedent for reactingagainst irresponsible actions by multinationalcorporations.


"Conflicts will be played out with economics,rather than between superpowers," Grewal said."Mitsubishi is just a case study. We hope thisbecomes indicative of a larger trend wherecorporations evaluate the social and economicimpact of their activities.
