
Hanks, Pfeiffer Honored By Hasty

The rituals surrounding the awards are, likemost aspects of the Hasty Pudding Theatricals,traditional.

Roybal said that for Hanks's "roast," the actorwill receive an empty bronze Pudding Pot. "It'smore of a symbol than anything else," Roybalexplained.

The actual "Hasty Pudding," which insidesources describe as a "weird, sort of cinnamony,puddingy" dish served at the club since 1791, isthe featured dessert at the honorary dinners forthe Man and Woman of the Year.

At his roast on the 21st, Hanks will beoutfitted by Pudding members in a brassiere whichRoybal described as "specially tailored to him andhis career."

According to Berman, club officers decorate thebrassiere and secure it in a safe until the day ofthe roast.


Pfeiffer, unlike Hanks, will not receive customtailored lingerie.

Rashida L. Jones '97, Woman of the Yearpublicist, quipped: "I don't think she needsanother bra.
