
Council Approves Popular Elections

Top Officers to Be Chosen Campus-Wide

The council also approved a long and fairly uncontroversial slate of other bills.

The council unanimously agreed to spend $1,650 to sponsor a computerized "data match" questionnaire.

The student government also passed a series of largely insubstantial changes to its bylaws. Some of the amendments involved grammatical changes while others cleared up ambiguities such as requiring the council to "maintain an official Council office" rather than specifying the location of that office.

The council also unanimously agreed to provide $250 per month for funding of ad hoc student groups not officially recognized by the Dean of Student's Office.

The council stipulated that all groups must meet the requirements for official University recognition in order to obtain the money. The bill was necessary because of the lengthy recognition process, its sponsors said.

The council unanimously agreed to launch a series of optional seminars on Harvard history during orientation week.


The council approved another bylaws change explicitly listing the College-wide committees to which the Student Affairs Committee appoints members.

Finally, the council agreed to co-sponsor--but not fund--a campus-wide Game-a-thon over intersession with the Harvard-Radcliffe Science Fiction Association (HRSFA). The council's Finance Committee had previously denied funding for the event, and a movement last night to provide $25 for publicity was rebuffed
