
Study Abroad

"I had to apply a semester in advance for credit. I came up with four classes, but took totally different ones. And [Harvard] understands that," says Chimene Keitner '96 '97, who studied at La Sorbonne in Paris last year.

Many of those students studying abroad say they would like to see the Harvard system streamlined to facilitate and publicize the application process for study abroad.

"I think that freshman spring or sophomore fall, there should be a well-publicized meeting--people need to know what their options are. [Students] should be given the list of programs that Harvard has approved in the past," de los Reyes says.

Pavese says she agrees that information needs to be better distributed to the Harvard community.

"I would like to reach students earlier," she said. "Thinking about studying abroad allows you to let it fit into the context of Harvard."


Pavese says she will consider putting announcements of study abroad meetings in the Yard Bulletin and holding a meeting for first-years in the spring during the concentration fairs.
