
Double Take Mag. Will Host Reading

"DoubleTake" is a "stunning work with serious, thoughtful, beautiful writing and photography like we haven't seen in a generation," Halpern said.

The editors are also committed to "giving a voice to the voiceless," Faludi said, whose article in the last issue followed laid-off aerospace engineers through their struggle at the unemployment office.

The magazine also strives to give new writers and photographers an opportunity for publication.

"We're paying attention to people who are not established, people who are aspiring to do this kind of work or who just have something say," Halpern said.

"DoubleTake" innovation is due in part to its freedom from commercial and monetary pressure. It is supported by a grant from a private organization, its editors said.


According to editors, the magazine is off to a powerful start, but whether "DoubleTake" can sustain itself remains to be seen.

The magazine's success "is still an open question. Are there enough people to support the risk taking it's engaged in?" said McKibben, who will read from one of his articles tonight.

The purpose of this reading is to increase the magazine's chances of success, he said.

"We want people to go away supporting members," said McKibben
