
Class of '96 Marshalls Named

Cahn, Powell Elected; Four of Eight Officers from Currier

"I did it because [Peter] recommended it," Thomas said. "I am very happy."

The results of the elections were posted at Wadsworth House and newly elected marshalls were also notified by phone yesterday afternoon.

"I was really thrilled," Lee said. "It was a cruel thing to make us wait over the weekend."

Lee said she hopes to boost attendance at senior events this spring. She said she also hopes to plan several new events.

One event that has been discussed by some marshalls is rescheduling the Yard Plate competition, a scavenger hunt, that was canceled for the class of 1996 during Freshman Week, in 1992.


Cahn said another goal is to rethink the way in which the class gift is presented.

"One thing we can do differently is instead of giving a lump sum of money, is to direct it to...something more specific to our class," Cahn said.

--Victoria E. M. Cain and Ariel R. Frank contributed to this report.
