
False Alarms Irk Canaday Residents

"I needed to get out of bed anyway," said Joshua Derman '99, "The alarms assured that I'd do my work."

Adam B. Stein '99 described the alarms as a "reason to buy a lap-top...and a good excuse not to do my paper."

"At nine and ten, it was kind of a surreal wake-up call, a bit of a bonding experience," he said.

Canaday residents said they waited outside for 15 minutes before fire trucks arrived.

The alarm was shut off at 9:15 a.m. and students returned to their rooms.


At 10:00 a.m., a second alarm forced students out again. Four alarms later, at 2 p.m. students said they had learned to live with the noise.

Tiffany R. Beechy '99 sat in the courtyard reading as the 2:45 p.m. alarm rang. Shawn R. Feeny '99 blue notebook in hand, wore earplugs. Others packed their books and headed to the libraries.

Peggy S. Chen and Dara Horn contributed to the reporting of this story.

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