
Norwalk Virus Cited as Cause Of Epidemic

Investigation is 'Over,' Rosenthal Says

On the other hand, Costa Produce, the vendor that supplied vegetables in the Union, "checked out very, very fine," Berry said.

Officials visiting the lab told Berry that the factory was clean enough to make computer chips, Berry said.

Other changes that will soon take or already have taken effect in Harvard's dining halls include: Thrice-daily sanitization of kitchens, up from the current rate of one per day; a change in the sanitizing agent used in the kitchens; inspections of vendors' plants; periodic sampling of vendors; monthly white glove inspections of all units;

Other measures include: The hiring of a consulting firm to do thrice-yearly check-ups; and the use of test strips rather than thermometers to check for bacteria levels.

"Even though we don't know [the source of the virus], we're going to take these precautions," Berry said.


"I said on the first day that I take responsibility, and I still do. Until someone proves otherwise, I'm treating this as if it was [food poisoning].
