
In New Book, Former Harvard Prof Blasts His Old Home

In Attempt to Motivate Student Activism, Bell Criticizes Law School Hiring Practices, Cites 'Lack of Moral Leadership'

"Is controversy inconsistent with moral leadership?"

Opinions Vary

Student opinions vary on the issues Bell raises in his book.

First-year law student Jamila Jefferson '94 says she considers the lack of minorities and women a top priority for the faculty.

"I am not pleased about it," she says. "The problem needs immediate rectification."


David Kaplan, also a first-year law student, praises the work of the admissions office in diversifying the student population at the Law School.

"As for [faculty] diversity, it is a problem," he says. "But I think it's more important to have a diverse student body."

Kaplan was eager to disprove any charges that Harvard Law lacks moral leadership.

"Harvard Law is a far more moral place than it was 20 years ago," he says. "There's a greater degree of support from the administration and just general friendliness."
