
Coop Board Makes It Official: No Rebate

Alumni interviewed yesterday, however, were upset by the loss of the Coop rebate.

"It takes away the family feeling," said Richard N. Olans '66, a resident of Andover, Mass. "It turns it into just another store."

"I've been a member since I was an undergraduate, and I still use the Coop," said Gerald H. Angoff '66. "One would think that the management would be true to its charter and give a return for a specialized status."

"It's not just a business," Angoff said, "it's an institution which owes something to the community."

According to the press release, Dickson said "in the current year the Coop must closely examine its merchandising concepts and every other aspect of its business in order to return it to profitability."


"This may necessitate changing the concept of the Coop in a way that will be more responsive to the needs of [the] membership," the press release said
