
PBHA Moves to Impeach Officer

News Feature

'Best Friends'

Ironically, Nero and King once were fast friends. Acquaintances from their first year in Pennypacker Hall refer to them as "John and Harvey."

"Up until the beginning of last May, John [King] and I were best friends," Nero said. "Then he and I had a falling out over an issue. Since then we have not spoken to each other in any situation that was not a PBH context."

King also said he and Nero had been friends until last year.

"We were good friends, but I don't think that this has anything to do with that," King said. "I think that I ran [the meeting] the same way I always did and the way I've run it is that the president can take a stand and still chair the meeting."


"Christins [Ho, the PBHA vice president], and I feel very strongly that Harvetta exercised very poor judgment, endangering herself, her counselors and the people we serve," he said. "And as a result we feel that it is inappropriate that she continue to make decisions on behalf of the board of directors of Phillips Brooks House Association."CrimsonEdward H. Wu

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