

A Quickie Guide to Picking Courses

A summary of what's new, what's news, and what's just darn funny.

Religion 1032. Sacrifice: Theory and Praxis

Religion 1635. Medieval Shaivism, Vaishnavism, and Shaktism

French 127. The Book and Its Vicissitudes

Visual and Environmental Studies 156ar. Intermediate Film Animation

Visual and Environmental Studies 104r. Body (parts), Identities, Powers: "...The second half addresses contemporary issues, including the modernist occlusion of the face, the totalitiarian power-head, and the cinematic face, ending with the 'probe-head.'"


Visual and Environmental Studies 120s. Painting with Attitude: "Designed to help students develop their own studio practice, the course addresses issues of emotional content in painting from the refined and sublime to the irreverent and annoying."

Happy hunting!
