"House choice should not be a major factor in students' College experience, but the availability of choice creates an exaggerated impression of its significance," the report states, according to the University statement.
It also suggests that senior tutors be renamed "assistant deans," and that the College recruit scholars who are further along in their studies than the graduate students who are currently being hired.
"I brought up the 'assistant deans' with them, and I am definitely in favor of it," said Garth O. McCavana, the Kirkland House senior tutor.
To improve house life, the committee suggests that more extensive training programs be instituted for the approximately 250 resident tutors. The report pushes greater accountability for College officers. Deans, house masters and Allston Burr senior tutors should undergo periodic reviews, the 78-page document says. "It cannot be in the best interests of either the University or the individual for someone who has assumed administrative responsibilities to go too long without thoughtful reflection and discussion of the dimensions of the job and a review of his or her performance," the report says. Committee members suggests that more teaching faculty be involved in non-academic parts of the College. For example, faculty should play a greater role on the Administrative Board, in the College's musical and artistic programs, the Bureau of Study Counsel and the Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, according to the report. The report encourages the establishment of a faculty-student Standing Committee on Public Service. The committee would control all volunteer and public service programs supported by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Another proposal was the formation a faculty-student committee to review the organization of the Undergraduate Council