
Residents Worry About Out of Town News

The best part, he' says, is always havingfriends around day and night.

"It's definitely a great experience living withpeople my own age," Perez says. "It makes goingout to the movies and playing things mucheasier."

He says his summer school experience hasconvinced him to apply to Harvard under the EarlyAction option.

Still, the vote of approval is hardlyunanimous.

Chijiiwa from Germany says that after hissummer in Cambridge, he's not going to apply toHarvard.


"I was planning to go to Japan for collegeanyway," Chijiiwa says.

But his brief Harvard experience has alsoapparently turned him off.

"It's probably a good education," Chijiiwasays. "But I don't think I'd do well in thissystem."

Asked if he would come to Harvard again if heknew last winter what the knows now, he says he'snot sure.

Valdes says he only came to the summer schoolafter being urged to by his brother to do so.

"He said to take a chance," Valdes says. "Itseems like a pretty cool experience. And I wantedto go, but not to spend eight weeks here. Maybe,like, two weeks."

"Yeah, I think I've probably had really a veryboring summer," Valdes concludes.A good place to sit on a cool day? The backsteps of Matthews.A sure sign you're not at the College? YourHarvard insignia backpackThe summer school bonding question? "Hey,where's my bike?"
