
Council Puts Off Bicycles, 121A

Questions on Sidewalks, Tax Break Referred to Other Bodies

Local 40, the carpenter's union, had originally objected to the tax break. But Mark Erlich, the Local 40 manager, said the union changed its mind when he reached a verbal agreement with Biogen's subcontractors that only union labor would be hired.

With the support of Local 40, the council unanimously approved 121A status for Biogen.

The agreement Erlich claims he had with Marshall, however, was never put into writing, and the subcontractors have hired non-union labor.

A horde of Local 40 representatives stormed the June council meeting and asked the city to repeal the 121A arrangement.

But despite the controversy, Mayor Kenneth E. Reeves '72 said yesterday that 121A does have its merits.


The 121A arrangement "can be used to attract businesses," Reeves said at the meeting yesterday. "It will go to the finance committee, because it deserves real discussion and the full understanding of citizens."

In other business, the council refused to reconsider two orders submitted by Councillor William H. Walsh.

The items dealt with citizens living on the border between Cambridge and Somerville. One order pertained to residential exemptions, while the other applied to the question of who iseligible to vote in Cambridge.

Walsh said present arrangements essentiallyforce Cambridge taxpayers to subsidize individualswho don't live in the city.

But Councillor Jonathan S. Myers referred tothe orders as "mean-spirited," especially "to theextent that it is something that might be directedat one person."

Both orders failed to receive reconsideration,the first by a vote of three yeas and five nays,the second by a vote of four yeas and four nays.Councillor Timothy J. Toomey was not present foreither vote.

Yesterday's meeting, the council's first inmore than a month, was held in the cafeteria ofthe Cambridge Ringe & Latin School.

The elevator at City Hall is presently underrepair, rendering the chamber in which the councilusually meets inaccessible to many disabledcitizens
