
Not Guilty Pleas Entered At 'Champions' Hearing

Lee, Sword Arraigned; Will Stand Trial for Theft of $132,000

Robert Canty Sr. '57, Sword's attorney, also said his client had voluntarily surrendered and cooperated.

But although bail was set, Canty did achieve at least one victory for his client.

The court granted Canty's request that Sword be allowed to travel abroad.

What Next?

Cassidy has already presented some of the evidence she may use. The assistant district attorney told the court yesterday that Sword has "given a statement to authorities admitting the theft."


She said outside the courtroom yesterday that Sword did not make the statement in the presence of his lawyer, but that he had, in fact, come forth voluntarily.

Asked yesterday by the press about his client'sstatement, Canty said, "I'll have to see what[Cassidy] has. I don't think that he has given anysigned statement."

Sword himself departed as soon as the hearingended.

His mother has told The Crimson that her sondid not cite any dollar figure. Then again, sheadded, "I wasn't there."

Cassidy also wrote in her statement that thealleged actions of Lee and Sword were not one-timemistakes.

Indeed, 65 of the counts against Lee representa check he allegedly wrote for himself from theEliot House fund. The other count covers money Leeallegedly stole "at some point between February 12and November 25, 1992," according to theindictment records.

And Cassidy wrote that a review of Lee'spersonal bank records revealed that the moneydeposited into his bank account was withdrawn byJuly of 1993.

Similar evidence was recovered against Sword,Cassidy wrote.

Cassidy wrote that Lee used the money to payfor credit card bills and purchases at clothingstores such as Saks Fifth Avenue and The AndoverShop.

"The evidence is quite strong," Cassidy toldthe court yesterday.

Approached yesterday outside the courtroom, Leereferred all questions about the case to hisattorney.
