Contracts have not been awarded for the secondand third components of the phase.
The second component, which Culver labelled'1b,' is an extension of the line on DeWolfe St.through Quincy Square and up to the Fogg ArtMuseum.
The third component, '1c,' is the extension ofa smaller portion of the pipe to the east ofQuincy Square, Culver said.
The work on Mt. Auburn St. involves theinstallation of a line from the trunk down toDunster St.
It was necessary to close DeWolfe St. for thework, Culver said, because the main trunk isunusually large--the pipe has an interior diameterof six feet and an exterior diameter of eightfeet.
DeWolfe residents expressed some unhappinesswith the project's noise and odor as well as itsinconvenience during the school year.
But on streets above branches to the main line,he added, some amount of traffic is permissible.
"It does take up most of the street to buildit," the coordinator said of the main trunk.
"But on the side streets, it doesn'tnecessarily stop the street," he added.
And at night, Culver said, many of the trenchescan be covered, restoring full access to thestreets for both pedestrians and automobiles.
The project will ultimately be completed in theyear 2000, and will cost the city in excess of $20million.