And, of course, the lions move like real lions, the giraffes move like real giraffes, the warthog moves like a real get the picture. The animation is, well, classic Disney. Which means it's good--amusing at some points, breathtaking at others.
There are some particularly good examples of animation in the film--such as the evil Scar, who slinks around the kingdom. In fact, Scar is such an interesting character that it's a testament to the moviemakers that he doesn't eclipse the honorable Mufasa. He fairly radiates unctuous evil wherever he goes, although Simba never seems to notice.
In fact, Scar (whose voice is provided sinisterly by Jeremy Irons) is somewhat reminiscent Irons' character in "Reversal of Fortune." Wonder why. He may not be human, but he definitely takes his place in the annals of Disney's great villains (hey, he allies him self with hyenas).
Scar, in essence, represents destruction and disarray, a clear threat to the balance of life the movie stresses. But this theme is not one of the movie's stronger points. While Mufasa may tell his son that the food chain is a circle--though the lions eat the antelopes, the lions' bodies become grass that the antelopes eat--he's speaking form his exalted position at the top of it. Let's put it this way--this movie makes it clear that lions are not vegetarians.
In other words, Mufasa is one of history's few great kings who literally has his subjects for dinner. Yet they still seem to adore him, and he's popular in Pride Rock. So goes the split personality of "Lion King," something that detracts from the film.
But Mufasa is essentially right about the interdependent nature of ecology. The movie makes it clear that its characters exist as part of a delicate environmental balance, a balance that allows the characters to live. When the balance is destroyed, the land suffers.
Sound simple? Tell that to the poachers in Africa, or to those farming on rain forest land. "Lion King" somehow manages to be ecology-minded without being preachy. It doesn't offer platitudes, Just the stark reasons for maintaining a balance in nature.
And in the real world, packs of animals live alongside the lions that they know will eat them. True, it seems a bit much to suggest that Mufasa's subject adore him. But if you thought your king might eat you if you showed disrespect, you'd celebrate the birth of his kid in fine fashion too.
In other words, suspend disbelief for a bit and enjoy other parts of the movie. Such as the soundtrack.
Yes, it's necessary to deal with some Tim Rice lyrics (which make me mourn Howard Ashman even more every time I hear them). Yes, the songs seem a bit gimmicky at times. But they're good. I can't really describe them will, but take my word for it, the music is powerful and moving.
And the voices are extremely well-chosen. Whoopi Goldberg makes a great hyena, and Robert Guillaume a hilarious baboon/mystic. James Earl Jones has the true vocal chords of a king (and hey, we're used to hearing his disembodied voice). Even the lesser-known voices seem to fit their characters well, except, unfortunately, for the adult Simba's tones. Somehow, Matthew Broderick just doesn't remind the average viewer of a powerful lion king.
The voices have an unexpected, subtle effect--that of diversity. In fact, the combination of an all-animal cast and a diverse group of voices gives an aura of diversity much stronger than any from "Aladdin," ostentatiously Disney's grand effort at diversity.
Why? Maybe it's because many of the voices are readily associated with well-known actors of different races, or maybe it's because Disney's not trying too hard this time.
Oh, and one more enjoyable point to the movie: the lionesses hunt. Yes, that's right, just as in real life, the lionesses, not the lions, hunt. Mufasa may be cool, but it's Sarabi that brings home the wildebeast bacon. And when Nala and Simba are reunited, she's on the prowl for dinner. Nice to see some accuracy about animal behavioral patterns in a child's film.
There are, of course, many other things I haven't mentioned about "The Lion King" that are important. Such as the scene where a hornbill voiced by "Four Wedding and a Funeral's" Rowen Atkinson starts singing "It's a Small World." That's because the movie is too much to fully encapsulate in one review. If you want the full effect of "The Lion King," shell out your seven bucks. For better or for worse, it's quite an experience.