Fat Day's music is, in a certain regard,celebratory music, if just for the passion andenergy involved in its production.
That is not to say that it is happy music; onefan likened Fat Day's songs to Hobbes' descriptionof life in the state of nature: nasty, bruits, andshort. "One theory is that Harvard made us angry,"Matt says of the intense rage that erupts out ofFat Day's music.
By the time most of you read this, Matt, aalong with Dough, Arik, and Zak, will have alreadyleft for the Fat Day summer tour. They leave theafternoon of graduation and will be on tour untilAugust 6.
There is a box of small fliers on the floor ofthe kitchen that reads: "FAT DAY really like you!We are a PUNK ROCK band from Boston, and we'll beon tour in June + July '94. Please send us mail(with your phone #) or call if you can help withshows. We need info on your local punk/undergroundvenue, or we'll play a show with your band in yetbasement if you do basement show...Thanks, Arik,Doug, Zak, Matt."
The tentative tour dates will take the band andtheir van, to Toronto, North Dakota, California,Texas, Kentucky, D.C., New York City and back. Asof last week Matt was just starting to make surethe van was in working order to transport the bandand all their equipment across the country.
"Everyone else has dealt with all their shit,"Matt says, pointing to DeMay, who is once again onthe phone making arrangements. "I really need tostart dealing too."
White Dough, Arik, and Matt will all drive (Zakdoesn't have a license), I suspect that it will beMatt who will enjoy the driving most. More thanmost people, he likes aimlessly moving down roads,likes exploring new places and seeing where a carwill take him. "Driving's really fun," Matt says."I like to drive and also to listen to music.Driving and music are the things I like to do.