
Faculty Elects 7 To Council

First Contested Vote In Several Years

"We are going to be an advisory body, not abody that decides or defines policy." he said.

Other future members said they simply don'tknow what effect their efforts will have.

"I don't think I can appreciate the full scopeof what the council does at this point," Mosssaid.

Skocpol said the most important result of hertime on the council was her chance to "get to knowfaculty from other disciples and talk aboutimportant issues."

"I don't know that we actually decidedanything," Skocpol added.


One returning council member, Professor ofClassic and History Christopher P. Jones, said hewas happy to work with the new members and hopesthey are as active as their predecessors.

Jones, who has two years left in his councilterm, said he thinks this year's contestedelection will help ensure as ideologically diversea council as the one whose session ended lastmonth.

"Some of the new members I know as departmentalcolleagues and I very much look forward to workingwith them," he said. "They exhibit a widespectrum of intellectual approaches and I knowthat they will speak their minds."

Faculty Council members are elected accordingto a version of the Hare proportionalrepresentations system, used since the council wascreated in 1969.

Under council rules, representation must beevenly divided between tenured and non-tenuredfaculty, and between faculty in the humanities,social sciences and natural sciences
