
`Chameleon' Hosts Events for Women

Mysterious Invitations

The invitations were delivered to studentmailboxes in some houses and door-dropped inothers. But mail officials in houses where thecards arrived in student boxes said they didn'tknow how the delivery occurred.

Hank Slonina, the Eliot House superintendent,said mail must come through the University mailsystem or the U.S. Postal Service.

If it doesn't come through either of thoseroutes, Slonina said, a hose superintendent mustgive approval for its deliver.

The invitations did not have either U.S. Mailstamps or University mail stamps.


But although women in Eliot house received theinvitations in their mailboxes, Slonina said heknew nothing about the Clameleon.

Shapiro could not be reached for comment
