After lengthy debate, the council voted througha package specifying that the referendum will beheld on May 2, 3 and 4.
The second referendum will include votes on thefee hike and on last year's council decision toeliminate the check box option.
The council agreed the referendum would bebinding only if there were a 50 percent turnout,and that student members of the COCL would not beallowed to campaign while tabling--if the COCLindeed agrees to hold the referendum.
Finally, the council decided to take out a fullpage advertisement in the Independent, explainingthe pros and cons of the fee hike.
The package passed by a vote of 40-2, with noabstentions.
Allegations Discussed
Liston also responded to many of the chargesabout election misconduct.
He attributed the absence of tabling at certainmeals to the lack of cooperation on the part ofthe House committees, which were asked toadminister the election in conjunction with thecouncil.
Garza protested that the House Committees hadbeen contacted "one or two nights before tablingwas to begin," an insufficient advance notice.
Liston also defended his constitutionalinterpretation to allow council members to tablein their own houses.
"I thought it best in student interests for thereferendum to happen" rather than forbiddingmembers to table in their own houses, Liston said.
In addition, Mather House delegate Michael P.Beys '94 responded to a report that he was overlyaggressive in trying to persuade voters to supportthe fee hike while tabling in his house.
John Mann '92-'94 pointed out that theexecutive board had decided, in a meeting Beysattended, not to allow council members to try toinfluence the election while tabling.
But Beys said the ruling was highly debated atthe executive board meeting, and that no minutesexisted or written records have been distributedto show that it had actually passed.
Beys also asked for a count of council memberswho were unsure whether tabling delegates couldoffer solicited opinions on behalf of the feehike.
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