
New Semitic Museum Personnel Announced

One Victim of Fall Shake-Up Rehired

"I would hope within a year or two we wouldhave a well-established staff," said Stager, whois also Dorot Professor of the Archaeology ofIsrael. "I can't imagine that we'll ever be muchbeyond maybe three or four [staff members], butthat doesn't mean we wouldn't have a lot of gradstudents and work-study students."

Maull, who headed the museum's searchcommittee, said the members spent a weekinterviewing many qualified candidates.

"It was a wonderful group of candidates--veryinteresting and varied with a range of differentexperiences," Maull said yesterday. "The pool wasvery strong and the individuals are verytalented."

Both Greene and Armstrong said they are pleasedwith their new posts.

Greene, who said he began preliminary work inhis new position several weeks ago, said his newjob is full of challenges.


"I'm finding out new things every day aboutwhat needs to be done," Greene said.. "That'slife, starting in a new job."

Armstrong is looking forward to working inBoston and "assisting the department in itsscholarly and teaching mission by making thingsavailable."

"I'm very excited Armstrong said, "I've neverlived in the Boston area. I've heard nothing butgood things about and Cambridge."

Armstrong said his areas of focus coincide withthe museum's specialities.

"The strong points of the collection areancient Mesopotamia and ancient Syro-Palestine andthose are the areas that my training is in,"Armstrong added . "I think that my training makesme a really good fit for working with thematerials in the Museum.
