In a bid for calm yesterday, officialsemphasized that they expect the three openpositions--provost, vice president for finance andvice president for government, community andpublic affairs--to be filled within the next fewmonths.
While Green will reportedly remain in his postfor the rest of the academic year, Scott hasalready begun work on his new job as a financialadministrator for Partners Healthcare, Inc.--thenew company formed by the merger of the Brigham &Women's Hospital with Massachusetts GeneralHospital.
Scott's secretary indicated yesterday thatwhile the vice president still nominally holds hisHarvard job, he is essentially a part-timeUniversity employee.
"He's at his new job," the secretary saidThursday in response to a request to talk withScott. "He only comes in for meetings and things."
Scott announced in September that he would stepdown at the end of this academic year, but thesearch for his successor has dragged on formonths.
Corlette acknowledged Scott's unofficialdeparture in a phone interview from WashingtonD.C. yesterday.
She said an acting vice president for finance,but not a permanent replacement for Scott, will benamed by next Friday.
"There is basically going to be an acting vicepresident," Corlette said.
Candidates for the job of acting vice presidentare thought to include Director of Internal AuditMichael J. Barone, University Treasurer D. RonaldDaniel and Elizabeth C. Huidekoper, director ofthe office of budgets and sponsored research.
E. Lyndon Tefft, director of financial systems,might normally be considered for the job, but heis leaving the administration this spring.
"Lyndon is leaving the University to go to the[Harvard] Management Company at the end of April,"Judith B. Warren, the director of finance andaccounting, said yesterday. That company isresponsible for managing Harvard's endowment.
Corlette said a private firm hired by Harvardis still searching for a permanent vice presidentfor finance. That search is in its eighth month.
In addition, the search for a new vicepresident for government, community and publicaffairs has lasted more than a year.
Former Vice President John H. Shattuck steppeddown early last year to join the Clintonadministration.
Corlette, who is temporarily filling Shattuck'spost, has said for months that she expects anappointment to be made in the "near future."
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