
Harvard Club Workers Strike

"A woman who cleans rooms in the Harvard Clubmakes $120 less per week than a woman who cleansrooms across the street at the Regal Royal Hotel,"Turchiano said. "And [the Harvard Club managementdoesn't] want to give her a pay increase? It'soutrageous."

The club denied this assertion in itsstatement.

"Contrary to Local 6's claims, the club hasnever said its Local 6 workers can't have a wageincrease," the statement said.

Union members also object to proposed changesin employee vacation time policy.

"Now they're giving workers specific weeks whenthey can vacation," while formerly employees couldchoose their own vacation time, Turchiano said.


The club's management denied making any "cut inemployee vacations" in its statement.

Club President Donald L. Shapiro '57 could notbe reached for comment yesterday. His attorney,Harlan Silverstein, as well as other officials atthe Harvard Club, refused to comment on thestrike.

The Harvard Club of New York is 127 years oldand has been unionized for almost 50 years
