
Executives Vote To Strike 4 Issues From U.C. Ballot

Only Term-Bill Hike Will Go to Voters

"If people were against any of the issues, theyhad the option not to sign," Davis said.

"You say you listen to the students," Davissaid to the board, "but you pick and choose whatyou listen do."

Davis, who initiated the petition drive, toldthe Crimson yesterday that Dean of Students ArchieC. Epps III said he would call a meeting of thecommittee on College Life if the referendum wasnot presented in its entirety.

Davis also told The Crimson recently that shewould consult lawyers about seeking an injunctionif the referendum did not go to the students as itwas.

Epps was not available for comment last night.


The board also recommended that the councilsupervise the referendum in conjunction with thehouse committees.

The board approved a motion to recommend thatanyone handing out ballots could not proselytize,but that all other campaigning around the votingare would be legiltimate.

"The council is in a disadvantaged position,"said Beys, who alleged that The Crimson hasdistorted debate on the term-bill issue. "Councilmembers should be able to get up and make speechesduring the vote. There will always be the otherside present."

Melissa Garza '94, a Winthrop Houserepresentative, the council should make itselfvisible before, rather than during, the vote.

"I think a lot of people will be pissed at us"if council members try to presuade voters duringthe referendum, she said.

Some council members, including Garza, arguedthat house committees are pro-council.

But others, including, Vice President Joshua D.Liston '95, protested that such committees areanti-council and thus represent an effective checkon the administration of the referendum
