
An Athlete's Death

This Just In

I don't think his time had come--he had just turned 18 on March 6. Saturday, they buried him at St. Joseph's cemetery. Sometimes I wonder how God lives with himself.

"It's heartbreaking. Absolutely tragic. There's no other way to describe it," Harvard football coach Tim Murphy said. "He was extraordinary in a lot of ways. He was one of those kids you wanted on your football team more for his personality than for his ability."

"How do you reconcile it? How can you explain something like this? Ultimately, you can't. It's a tragedy--and you selfishly hope it never happens to yourself or your family."

Matthew 24:36: But of that day and hour knoweth on man, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Or as the poet Richard Eberhart put it: "God does not live to explain."


Justin P. Ingersoll is a senior Crimson sports writer living in North House.
