
Lamont Renovations Not Yet Complete

Project to Update Government Document Division Is Three Months Behind

Rebecca L. Tushnet '95, a researcher for theHarvard Debate Team, said the organization is alittle disorienting.

"Sometimes you can't locate the microfilm,"Tushnet said. "They have the same numbers on bothlevels."

Gov Docs completed its move from thesub-basement of Widener Library to the renovatedfirst floor of Lamont in September.

Students complained at the time that the newlayout, which is closer to the study halls inLamont, would be too noisy.

Library officials said they have beenmonitoring the volume since September and havepromised to make modifications if it proves to bea problem.


The only change that students and Gov Doc staffuniversally hail is the improvement in working andreading space.

"We now have a comfortable, attractive area.It's a boon for staff and workers," De Gennarosaid.

"It's nice to be able to see the walls," Tannersaid. "Go downstairs and look at the old officespace. Then come up here. Tell me where you'drather work.
