But other students said economic concerns maynot be enough to justify the moral implications oflegalizing gambling in Massachusetts.
"I would probably patronize the casinos,"Comander said. "But I would be worried that therewould be other negative effects that would goalong with legalization of gambling."
"You can't bring casinos into Massachusettsunder the assumption that it will help theeconomy," Jonathan K. Hsu '94 said.
"Sure it generates a couple of hundred jobs,"he said. "but you will get a lot of peopleaddicted to gambling, and gambling inherentlybrings in a seedy element."
For societal reasons, Hsu advocates limitedaccess to gambling in the country.
"I don't think gambling ought to be spreadabout any more than it has," Hsu said. "But from agreedy personal stance, I wouldn't mind having agambling casino right in the middle of BostonHarbor.