
MSA Plans Protest Follow-Up

Parents Support Efforts of Students, Question Timing Of Their Actions

Visiting parent Imsuk Choi, however, said heplanned to write a letter to President Rudenstinesupporting ethnic studies and a more diversifiedfaculty.

"Harvard says they have diversity, but theydon't," Choi said. "I don't think Harvard isproviding enough opportunities [for minorities]."

Whether or not the demonstrations were able tocreate a broad coalition of support among parents,it seemed the protests succeeded in increasingparents' awareness of the issues involved.

"[The protests] are probably an eye-opener formost parents," said Frank N. Eppinger, who addedthat he signed a petition which was circulated bythe protesters.

"I'm pleased to learn that this issue issomething that needs attention," Eppinger said.


Jennifer Ching '96, who organized thedemonstrations, said she was encouraged by theoverall positive response from parents.

"I think parents were overwhelmed, and a lot ofthem were uninformed," she said. "I think wereally reached a lot of people who didn't knowabout ethnic studies before.
